- Iowa Certified & Licensed, 2007
- Raindrop Technique, 2007
- Deep Tissue Massage: Safe & Effective Techniques for Common Problem Areas, 2010
- Chakra Stone Massage Therapy, 2010
- Massage & Migraines, 2011
- Massage Techniques for the Foot & Leg, 2011
- Massage & Fibromyalgia Syndrome, 2013
- Massage & Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, 2013
- Intro To Lymphatic Drainage Therapy, 2013
- Massage Techniques for Fibromyalgia, 2014
- Shamanic Journeying, Plum Creek Center for Healing (Christine & Kevin Fisher,) 2013
- Palpation & Assessment Techniques, 2015
- PNF/MET Massage Techniques, 2015
- Qi Gong & Tai Chi: Self Care for the Massage Therapist, 2017
- Stress Management During Turbulent Times: Understanding, Treating & Managing Stress, 2017
- Massage for the Hip, 2017
- Conservative Management for Patients w/ Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction, 2017
- Massage Using the Forearm, 2018
- Intense Study of the Fascia, 2019
- Shamanic Apprenticeship Program Completion, Plum Creek Center for Healing (Christine Fisher & Marge Banse,) 2019
- TMJ Disorders, 2019
- The Massage Your Client Wants, 2020
- Pathologies for Massage Therapy, 2021
- Safety & Sanitation, 2021
- Emotion Code® Certification, 2021
- Shamanic Journeying (Ana Larramendi,) 2021
- Healing the Red Thread (Debra Morrill,) 2021
- Energy Essentials for Empaths (Debra Morrill,) 2022
- Soothing Belly Work, 2023
- Move Freely – Hips & Pelvis, 2023
- Abdominal, Pelvis & Hips: Core Skills, 2024

Professionally, I’ve been certified and licensed to practice Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork in the state of Iowa since 2007. I’ve used this time to explore various modalities from teachers of differing approaches, but the same goal, and that is to deliver well-being to our clients safely and ethically. In addition, I’ve given public presentations on massage and essential oils in Garner and Mason City, as well as provided chair massages at private businesses and annual events such as the Iowa Farm Progress Show, high school post-prom parties, Clear Lake’s Thursdays on Main and Plymouth’s Applefest. Then there was the twelve episode stint with New York’s Meet the Elite Podcast in 2022, which I was very happy to leave behind.
Personally, I had been involved in Mason City’s Crisis Intervention Service, the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, and support Doctors Without Borders along with Water.org. I’ve also contributed my art and services to charitable events and participated in annual mud runs that raise funds for local communities, US veterans, and rescuing children from sex trafficking. And because the most basic of training can make all the difference, I was on my way to a Third Degree Black Belt with the ICHF through the newly renamed North Iowa Self Defense school in Mason City. That is, until 2020, when everything changed.
Earth religions were all I had known. Originally from North Carolina, I had traveled from Cherokee land, and Creek pow-wows, to Lakota sweat lodges, and had experienced ceremonial medicine wheels, drum circles, and women’s retreats. I studied with Third Degree Wiccan High Priestesses and held a candidate rank with the Ancient Order of Druids in America. After a decade studying core shamanism, I completed a formal apprenticeship under the direct tutelage of Christine Fisher, and Marge Banse at the private Plum Creek Center for Spiritual and Body Healing in Fredericksburg, Iowa, and was a member of the Society for Shamanic Practice. Only to, in 2023, be baptized in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit; that would be the only spirit these hands work with anymore.
Aside from worship, taking clients, and keeping a house and garden, I want to keep life simple these days.